Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Yahoo chat room invisible text

Here is my another cool post abt how to play a prank with your frends in your chat room.

step 1:Login to yahoo msg n enter in your chat room

Step 2: Select "change text color" >>> colour effect

Step 3: Now remove all your pre-selected colors

and add white color,now click > ok

Step 4: Now select the biggest font size like "30"

Step 5: In ur chat room hold any alphabet key or type anything long......

Step 6: click send.


Monday, December 11, 2006

*Yahoo! Booting For Dummies*

Hello, if you're reading this you're probably wondering hot to boot someone, how to operate a booter. what this crazy words you hear these guys that boot people say, etc.

Hello, this tutorial is designed as an introduction to booting, a sort of "how to" if you will.

*What you'll need.

1) A booter (look below for the kinds of booters that are most common and that I recommend)
2) Bots... A few Yahoo! accounts made for the sole purpose of booting people offline.
You can create these accounts just as you did your account you use to chat with, or if you're a little more crafty, you can figure out how to work an "I.D. Maker" which will make bots for you quickly, without typing in all of that "Name, Age, Location" crap.
Although, for a beginner I recommend making them the standard way, for ease purposes.

*Common booting terms.

Patched - If you ever hear "yeah, my booter got patched", what that means is the booter the person was using no longer works.
Packets - Bits of information a booter uses to disconnect people offline.
Booting Site - A site to get booters, I.D.Makers, and numerous other programs and/or files to help make your chatting or booting experience easier. (I.E. http://www.s3rial-killers.com)
Banned - When Yahoo! restricts you or your bots from chatting, logging in permanently, or for a few hours or days. When you get banned it usually means you were caught booting. Please refer to my tips section to find out how you can decrease the chance of getting your bots banned.
Servers - The things that a booter uses to log you onto the Yahoo! network so your bots can do their' job.

*Types of booters.

Okay there are many kinds, so, for the sake of keeping this simple, I'm going to go through the two most common.

A.) Multi-Login Booters - These are booters that use multiple bots, sometimes infinite to basically lag a person so bad that it kicks them off Yahoo!.
What you'll need for this booter is usually the proper .ocx and .dll files (files used to help programs run). If your booter is showing up with a message like "Missing 'KewlButtonz.ocx" or something similar, that means you're missing an .ocx and/or a .dll file.
You can usually go to a site where you'd get a booter from and download select .dll and .ocx files, so your program can run efficiently. These files are usually found in the "Needed Files" area, in the "Downloads" section of a booting site.
(I suggest http://www.s3rial-killers.com for ALL booters, .ocx, .dll files, and other needs for Yahoo!, their' stuff is clean and updated CONSTANTLY)
Next, you're going to need a crap load of bots (if you do not know what "bots" are read above and stop skipping ahead, kid), usually for a multi-login booter ATLEAST 50 bots at bare minimum is alright. Although if you really want an effective, fast hitting boot, I suggest about 500-800 bots, to wipe that prick offline QUICK, though 200 and up usually does fine.
There will also be a "Names", "Bots" or other like file so you can input the names and passwords of your bots so the booter can log them in for you, just open the file and type erase it's contents, and put your bot name and password (for example, "serialkillersbot:123456") then save the changes you made to the file. Although, there are different ways to input the names and passwords depending on how the programmer set-up the "Names" file, it's usually pretty self-explanatory if you open up the "Names" file (which you MUST change before running ANY Multi-Login Booter), it'll tell you how to input your bot's names and passwords.
Also there should be a "Servers" file, which has all the servers your booter will be using to login your bots in (you do not need to mess with this file).

B.) Single-Double-Triple Login Booters ("S-D-T" Booters) - These are booters that use one, two or three bots for booting, they're usually a lot easier to use, and most people like them better because you don't need "554675668" bots to do the job, and they hit just as hard usually without getting your bots banned by Yahoo!.
Although, one problem that arises with the "S-D-T" booters, is if you download one made by a shitty programmer, they might not even hit due to a lack in effective packets, and with so little bots being used, if the packets aren't great, the booter probably won't do shit.
You will still need the proper .dll and .ocx files for these booters, and about one, two, or three bots, depending on whether your booter is a single bot login, a double bot login, or a triple bot login.

*Basic Booter Outline.

"What does a typical booter look like?"
A typical basic booter USUALLY has a place to type in your bot(s) name(s) and password(s) (if you're using an "S-D-T" style booter) or a drop box so you can select how many bots you'd like to boot with (if you're using a Multi-Login Booter), a login button so you can login your bots, an exit program button, a logout button (sometimes the same button as the login button, you just click it twice), a stop booting button, an area to type in your victim's name, and sometimes they have an area that shows you how many boots/packets you've sent and/or if you kicked the victim offline yet.


When you first succesfully start running a booter, let's say you're in a chatroom , and you see a message like, ":-|- Y! Buggies Booter v1.0 - By: Forsaken - Loaded -|-", this is called an advertisement.
These suck for a few reasons... If Yahoo! catches you doing this then they can patch the booter you're using AND ban your MAIN chatting account for good.
Don't do it, it's not worth it, if you're gonna open a booter, atleast make sure you have an Instant Message window open, and on top, that way it will load in the Message you're having with a person and not in chat. Yahoo! can't see what booter you're using if you load in an Instant Message, so they won't ban your I.D. .


This tutorial was not written by Einstein, I'm just a guy sick of hearing whining about how to run a booter. The terms I use are basic, and are meant to explain things in a very simple manner, what the components of booting are, what they do, and how you use them. So, yeah, don't ask me anymore. Here's my Booting 101, Enjoy.


This tutorial was written by Travis (the_mad_stratter) and made for the Serial Killers site , mainly Buggies (Mike, the fuckin' man), Tony (Soul One), and of course the ultimate programmer in booting as far as I'm concerned... Forsaken of Metal Daze (Tim). These cats run a killer site (http://www.s3rial-killers.net as stated above) and this is my thanks to them for all the shit I've mooched off of their' site in the past.

Getting Yahoo Ips Thru Netstat

Getting Yahoo Ips Thru Netstat And Netstat Explanations
The Kid

1. Fist Things First We Have To Learn Netstat. Netstat, Short For Network Statistics Is A Text Program Used For Monitoring Your Home Networks Activity. Start by Getting Into Ms-Dos . To get Into Ms-Dos You Can Either Go From Start To Run Then Type In Cmd Or Command And Hit Enter, Or You Could Go From Start To All Programs And Go Up To Acccerrories And Over To Command Prompt. Now That We Are In Command Prompt, Type This Command In And Hit Enter Netstat -N. Now That We Are In One Of Netstats Areas. The Simplest One To Use For My Explanation Of Getting Ips Thru Yahoo And Explaining A Section Of Netstat.

2. Now I Will Explain This Section Of Netstat To You. Your Command Prompts Screen Should Look Similar To This.

Active Connections

Proto Local Address Foreign Address State

Active Connections = Showing You That Below Is Your Active Connections

Proto = The Protocol Your Are Connected Thru

Local Address = Your Local Internet Protocol Address

Foreign Address = The Remote Internet Protocol Address Your Connected To And The Remote Port Connected Thru Afterwards

State = The Connection State

EXAMPLE.... Proto Local Address Foreign Address State

You Are Connected To On The Transmission Control Protocol Thru Remote Port 1863 From And The Connection Is An Established Connection Meaning You Are Constantly Connected To This Ip.

3. Now That You Understand Netstat I Will Give You Some Yahoo Port Information. Remote Port 5050 Is Usually The Yahoo Messenger Instant Message Port. Remote Port 5000 and 5001 Are Yahoo Voice Ports. Remote Port 5100 Is The Yahoo Webcam Port. Also I Think Yahoo Sends Files Thru Http Port 80 And 81. All You Have To Do Is Have A Connection To Someone On Yahoo Open Up Netstat And Look For These Ports After The Foreign Address Ip. Then Boom You Just Got There IP Address.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Step by step ASCII nicks for yahoo

Bomberz Ascii Letters
À Á Â Ã Ä Å à á â ã ä å ß ¢ © Ç ç Ð È É Ê Ë è é ê ë F f G g H }{ |-| Ì Í Î ¡ Ï ì í î ï J j K k £ |v| |\/| M (v) m Ñ ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö Ø
ò ó ô õ ö P Þ þ p Q q ® R r s § $ S T ¯|¯ t Ù Ú Û Ü ù û ú ü \/ V v \/\/ W w X × x ¥ Ý ÿ ý Z z

Extra Shit
« » ¤ ¦ † ™ ¹ ² ³

This Is How Ta Do Ascii Nick Namez For Yahoo I'ma Explain It Step
By Step Ta Make It Eazy For Yah Its Real Simple So Lets Get Started..

Step 1: Sign In At www.yahoo.com

Step 2: Go To Your Account Information

Step 3: Then You Will See "Member Information" Across From It You Will See "Edit" Click It

Step 4: Scroll Down You Should See "Preferred Content:Yahoo U.S." Click It.

Step 5: Then Change It To "Yahoo! Taiwan Then Click Finish.

Step 6: Then On Tha Next Page Click Tha Button That Looks Looks Like This §Ú±µ··ü

Step 7: Now After You Do That It Will Want Your Yahoo! Password Again Sometimes It
Gives You Trouble (Not All Time) All You Do Is Close Your Explore And Go Back To www.yahoo.com And
Sign Back In.

Step 8: Then Go Back To Your Account Information Then Go To Your Profile Names And Pick
Tha Name You Want To Have A Ascii Nickname Then Click It.

Step 9: Now Put Tha Ascii Nick Name You Want Then Save It.

Step 10: Now Do Step 3 And 4 Again And Change It Back To Yahoo! U.S.

Step 11: Relog Inta Yahoo! Messenger.

Step 12: Your Done Aint You Proud Of Yourself lmao

How to UN-BAN your CHAT BANNED Yah00 ID

Here is somthing i had figured out:

If you would like to unban your name if it has been Chat Banned(Locked up COMPLETELY)
then go to you lauguage settings in your account to change tha laungauge then change
it to:


and then save it all then exit out of it...DO NOT try to get back on your name for
anything for about 2-3 weeks or untill its unlocked, then change tha settings
back to:


then try to log in and there you go you should now have your banned name unlocked and
have fun! You ask how does this work well it works by Y4h3lls Servers will reconize
you(Your banned name) as a new member but your not!! LOL

(NOTE: If it doesnot work if you put it back to "ENGLISH" put it back onto "CHINEESE-Chaina(MAINLAND"
and leave it there for about another 2 months)

How to creat Ghost profile

1. Login with the name u want to be a ghost
2.Go to account info and click edit/create profile
3.Then create another profile...it can be any name u want
4.Then go to this site http://edit.profiles.yahoo.com/config/select_identity?.profsel=chat_pf_1&.src=chat&.done=http%3a//chat.yahoo.com/&prof_delete
5.click confirm delete

How To Install Yahoo Messenger Skin's

Ok For Those Of You Who Dont Know How To Do This Here It Is,I Just Figured It Out Now Coz I Never Really Took The Time But Anyway....
First Go To Your Programs Files, I Get There By Clicking The MY Computer Icon On My Desktop(if its not there go to start and look there)
Next You Want To Go To Your C:\ The You Should See The Folder Sayin Program Files.
Now Open This And Scroll Untill You Find Your Yahoo Folder.
Now Open This Folder And Click On "Shared" That Folder
Now Click On Graphics
Now Drag The Unzipped Folder Into The Graphics Folder And Go Back To Your Messy And Change Your Skin
NOTE: Make Sure That The Skin Your Adding Is Only In One Folder ( For Example:If You Double Click On The Skin Folder Do You See Another Folder Or Images? )If You See Another Folder Then Add That One To Your Graphics File If Not Your Fine

How to cheat in yahoo pool

First go to a Yahoo Pool room of course.
Select Create table and click training to try this out
click on the pool stick and then click reset
Click back on the pool stick but make sure you dont move it
Hold shift and push left on the arrow keys 8 times
Now hold CTRL (control) and press left 6 times
Pull back on the stick and watch the orange striped ball go in the pocket.

~~~~~~~~~~~~I am not responsible for your actions~~~~~~~~~~~~

Creating strong yahoo password

For a password to be strong, it should:

Be at least seven characters long. Because of the way passwords are encrypted, the most secure passwords are seven or 14 characters long. Contain characters from each of the following three groups: Group Examples Letters (uppercase and lowercase) A, B, C... (and a, b, c...) Numerals 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Symbols (all characters not defined as letters or numerals) ` ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + - = { } | [ ] \ : " ; ' < > ? , . /

Have at least one symbol character in the second through sixth positions. Be significantly different from prior passwords. Not contain your name or user name. Not be a common word or name. Passwords can be the weakest link in a computer security scheme. Strong passwords are important because password cracking tools continue to improve and the computers used to crack passwords are more powerful than ever. Network passwords that once took weeks to crack can now be cracked in hours.

Password cracking software uses one of three approaches: intelligent guessing, dictionary attacks, and automation that tries every possible combination of characters. Given enough time, the automated method can crack any password. However, it still can take months to crack a strong password.

Windows passwords can be up to 127 characters long. However, if you are using Windows XP on a network that also has computers using Windows 95 or Windows 98, consider using passwords not longer than 14 characters. Windows 95 and Windows 98 support passwords of up to 14 characters. If your password is longer, you may not be able to log on to your network from those computers.

How to add yahoo id without permission.

Now instead of using some program to add them, i found that if you add them, and right after you add them, boot them, and they will be forced off yahoo messenger before they actualy get tha conformation of it saying "ADD DENY And accept" well when they are forced off they finaly get it, and they have to hit one of those and when they do it will give you acess to them on your list but your not on thiers.

So just go to add, put thier name in, hit add, tha second you you hit that boot them...and there you go...they are on your list.....

ok here is another way....

create a new profile on ur yahoo id with any name like "you_cant_deny_me" , save your setting, now login to yahoo messenger, now add an id which you want to,
add lamer remember when he/she is offline.
as soon as you add his/her id delete you profile which you made "you_cant_deny_me"
log bak to yahoo... they cant even ignore you nither can delete you.

Yahoo Commands video

Yahoo Chat Commands - video powered by Metacafe

Cool yahoo trick for fun video

Yahoo Chat Commands - video powered by Metacafe